Collection: Diatomaceous Earth by Diatomaceous Planet

Shopping for Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth?

We have sourced our product for its superior quality and ultimate safety. If you're looking where to find Food Grade DE in Canada, we are ready to serve you on the double.

Please shop on our store when you're ready to buy food grade diatomaceous earth in any size. Personal use sizes such as 1kg or 2kg are the most popular. This size is perfect for regular or occasional use at home or with your pets.

For higher quantities or wholesale, please feel free to reach out to our support staff by phone or email. We are happy to help with your Questions about Diatomaceous Earth!

If you would like to retail or purchase Wholesale Diatomaceous Earth, we welcome you to order a case size from the product selections above. You can order a full case of 1kg Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth (7 units) or a full case of 2kg Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth (9 units). This will help your business create a profit margin, and still offer your customers a better rate in person from a local store.

Feel free to send us any of your Questions About Diatomaceous Earth, we're happy to help. We have knowledgeable and friendly customer support!

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